India’s first SDR Benchmarking Report 2023 is now LIVE!!

India’s first SDR Benchmarking Report 2023 is now LIVE!!

SDR Benchmarking report 2023





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Wednesday, January 24, 2024 | 9:00 AM PT

Wednesday, January 24, 2024 | 9:00 AM PT

Wednesday, January 24, 2024 | 9:00 AM PT

Wednesday, January 24, 2024 | 9:00 AM PT

How to increase your cold calling success rate to 30%

90% of cold calls are shorter than two minutes. Jason Bay’s step-by-step framework will help you make use of every second and massively increase your cold call success rate.

How to increase your cold calling success rate to 30%

90% of cold calls are shorter than two minutes. Jason Bay’s step-by-step framework will help you make use of every second and massively increase your cold call success rate.

How to increase your cold calling success rate to 30%

90% of cold calls are shorter than two minutes. Jason Bay’s step-by-step framework will help you make use of every second and massively increase your cold call success rate.

How to increase your cold calling success rate to 30%

90% of cold calls are shorter than two minutes. Jason Bay’s step-by-step framework will help you make use of every second and massively increase your cold call success rate.

What Does this Resource COntain



Our programs help AEs master fundamental sales skills, build executive presence, and maximize their W2.

Our programs help AEs master fundamental sales skills, build executive presence, and maximize their W2.


Our programs help AEs master fundamental sales skills, build executive presence, and maximize their W2.

Our programs help AEs master fundamental sales skills, build executive presence, and maximize their W2.


Account Executives

Our programs help AEs master fundamental sales skills, build executive presence, and maximize their W2.

Our programs help AEs master fundamental sales skills, build executive presence, and maximize their W2.


Sales Leaders

Our programs help AEs master fundamental sales skills, build executive presence, and maximize their W2.

Our programs help AEs master fundamental sales skills, build executive presence, and maximize their W2.


through this resource,

You’ll learn...

  1. Your company is a startup and still working on product-market fit

  2. Your company is a startup and still working on product-market fit

  3. Your company is a startup and still working on product-market fit

So that you...

  1. Your company is a startup and still working on product-market fit

  2. Your company is a startup and still working on product-market fit

  3. Your company is a startup and still working on product-market fit

Get the full report

Companies like Gong, Zoom, and Medallia trust Rahul Wadhwa to train their reps using this exact framework to

  1. Help them succeed where 80% of reps fail

  2. Increase their cold call success rate to 30%

  3. Book meetings prospects want to attend

    Get it for free today.

Companies like Gong, Zoom, and Medallia trust Rahul Wadhwa to train their reps using this exact framework to

  1. Help them succeed where 80% of reps fail

  2. Increase their cold call success rate to 30%

  3. Book meetings prospects want to attend

    Get it for free today.

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